Для создания SLS нужно следующее:
3 Artisan's Frame, Level: 4
1 Steel Mold, Level: 2 (3 total)
5 Iron Ore (15 total)
5 Coal (15 total)
5 Braided Hemp, Level: 1 (15 total)
5 Stem (75 total)
5 Varnish of Purity, Level: 2 (15 total)
1 Stone of Purity (15 total)
3 Varnish (45 total)
3 Coarse Bone Powder, Level: 1 (45 total)
10 Animal Bone (450 total)
10 Adamantite Nugget (30 total)
11 Samurai Longsword Blade
65 Syntic Cokes, Level: 2
1 Oriharukon Ore (65 total)
3 Cokes, Level: 1 (195 total)
3 Coal (585 total)
3 Charcoal (585 total)
130 Mithril Alloy, Level: 4
1 Mithril Ore (130 total)
1 Varnish of Purity, Level: 2 (130 total)
1 Stone of Purity (130 total)
3 Varnish (390 total)
3 Coarse Bone Powder, Level: 1 (390 total)
10 Animal Bone (3900 total)
2 Steel, Level: 1 (260 total)
5 Varnish (1300 total)
5 Iron Ore (1300 total)
248 Gemstone C
410 Crystal: C Grade
1315 Iron Ore
600 Coal
75 Stem
145 Stone of Purity
1735 Varnish
4350 Animal Bone
30 Adamantite Nugget
11 Samurai Longsword Blade
65 Oriharukon Ore
585 Charcoal
130 Mithril Ore
248 Gemstone C
410 Crystal: C Grade
при нынешних ценах это все будет стоить примерно 22кк ад.